Monday, December 7, 2009

Video! REALLY see how much improvement we've had... check out my last 360 degree video I posted in my first few posts!

Dry Wall... Plaster... and a baby? woohoo!

We have WALLS! So last week, we had dry wall up. The guys worked super fast! Had all the dry wall up in 6 hours! More dry wall... this is the "kitchen." The purple is pretty... but I found out that the colored dry wall is more resistent to moisture, which makes sense since that is where our sink will be.

Then on to PLASTER! This was done this past Saturday, and the plaster guys I believe are back at the house today. I took a photo of the plaster the guys were using because it had the FISH symbol. I do feel more inclined to use a company that is Christ focused. Of course, you never really know... they could just like the symbol.... but nevertheless, I thought it was neat. So. Check this guy out. He's on stilts. I was almost tempted to ask him if I could try them on. Haha. He was good in them. He did all the top portions of the walls, and the guy by the fireplace did all the bottom. There was one other guy who had a "White-out" type of roller to do the ceilings.
...more plaster on the walls. It's neat to finally "see" walls... we're scheduled for interior paint this week!Ok.... now.... Here is a picture of our backyard. Yes.... sadly, it looks just as it did when we first purchased the house (For those of you who don't know... it was a junk house, and the backyard was full of STUFF). Anyways, I wanted to take a picture of our junk that we had stored in the garage... We had to move it out of our garage for the dry wall and plaster guys.
BUT. Look closely...... what do you SEE in this photo.... There is one thing that does not belong... (scroll to next photo)
...Look closer...

So, I have no idea how that got there.... It's not mine... and its not Tim's. I guess it just sort of appeared, and the guys have been moving it around from time to time.

... it's kind of funny. It's not time YET for Tim and I to have a baby of our own.... but I wonder if it means something... After hearing Tim's mom's dream she had a few weeks ago of Tim and my beautiful baby... it makes me wonder. haha.


...Here are a couple more photos of the front of the house. If you scroll back to the first few posts, you'll see that the area that was framed was actually outside of the house. Here is a look from inside. The place the ladder is at is the entrance; I'll post an updated look of the entrance in another post.

Front view: In this photo you can see the area the door will fill. ...And ta daaaa! The door! (I think I might have already posted this? And I do know that this blog is very boring... and the only one who reads it is me... lol). *sigh*