Sunday, November 22, 2009

Save another date?

Hi there! Sorry for all the run-on sentences, random punctuation marks, etc., in my last post. (How annoying!! haha).

Anyways, we won't be able to have a House warming/Christmas Party on Dec. 20th, as it conflicts with RHs church services-- dance ministry (which I am a part of) is dancing at all 10 Christmas services this year, and it also includes Dec. 20th. So, I'll be posting a new date soon.... POSSIBLY DEC. 31ST FOR A NEW YEARS EVE PARTY?!??! = ) save that date. I'll bring the champagne.

OK. Now, since you saved Dec. 20th, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for you to come to one of the services. I know some of you don't do the "church thing," but I would love for you to come and watch our dance! Let me know which one you can attend, here are the times:

(Saturday) Dec. 19th: 6 p.m.
(Sunday) Dec. 20th: 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 7 p.m., 9 p.m.
(Thursday) Dec. 24th: Noon, 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m.

HOPE YOU CAN MAKE ONE OF THOSE TIMES! RH usually puts on a fantastic service & huge performance/production. And its definitely not your typical "churchy" feel. I promise, and I would love your SUPPORT! = )

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, if I don't post before then!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Before and After

So I thought today's post would be a good time for a "Before & After." They aren't the best before and after photos, but we'll work on it.

In the last few posts, I've shown you the new kitchen area (our 220 sq. ft of addition). The photobelow shows our old "kitchen." The Door was obviously removed (and is for sale currently). The wall you see which separates the door and the "kitchen" was completely torn down. The wall the door and window is on was moved forward about 14 feet (the addition).
This next photo is the fireplace area. In this before picture, the room is very dark. We created 3 new windows in this room, and you will be able to see the "after" photo in my previous post titled, "No More Holes." It is the 3rd picture down. What we did was create a window on either side of the fireplace, as well as on the lefthand wall where you see the white bookcases in this photo). The spray paint on the wall is where we created another window for the family room.

So here is the biggest before and after. The front of the house! Before, we had this open space:

After, we enclosed the open space, which is turning into our new kitchen. You can even see that we have a new door in now! (Still needs to get painted). The black paper is the wall that is getting prepped for new stucco.
Here is a nice shot of our door from the inside, and our new entryway! The window you see to the left of the door is the new window next to our fireplace.
One of the next few projects our guys will work on, is building the trellis in front of our house. They've already started digging holes for beams.
...And of course, the roof.
More photos and transformations to come. Tomorrow, we're BBQing at the house with the guys, and a few friends. It should be fun. I'll also take photos too, and post them here!

Monday, November 16, 2009


So, its more like a tentative save-the-date..... we're thinking of throwing a "House Warming/Christmas Party" on Dec. 20th..... We would love for you to be a part of it!

Formal invites will be sent out, but thought we would informally post on our blog so that you can SAVE DEC. 20TH!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No More Holes!

Hi all!

So we have been SO behind on our posts... The pictures below are from 1.5 weeks ago, and it shows that we have no more holes in the floor! The covered areas were for the sewer piping.
Also! They started cutting out our new windows.... We then got our windows in last Wednesday, and they were installed on Thursday..... unfortunately, one of the guys while installing a window shattered one.... so Tim called the window company and found out it was covered under warranty, and the new replacement window is on its way.
**Other new things with the house... The 220 sq. ft of the kitchen addition was prepped last week (These pictures were taken 11/2/09). The rebar job got approved by an inspector... and as of today, concrete was poured in this area! After the concrete gets poured, the guys will be able to frame the addition.

A couple unexpected things: Since we are re-doing the roof as well.... we've been so blessed with awesome weather in November (I love California!!).... but says we may be expecting some showers tomorrow... so our guys had to change things up a bit, and do some of the roofing today, so that if it rains, the inside of our house doesn't get all wet.

...More pictures to come this weekend... The bad part of not having a flexible day schedule is that I'm not able to go "see" the house when I want, and take pictures when exciting things like concrete get poured...... Oh, the things that make me happy. haha.