Friday, October 30, 2009

Antique White OR Darker Glaze?

Help us decide! What are your thoughts on these two cabinet colors? Which should we go with?

(Obviously without the green walls!)
The next two photos were taken in the showroom of where we are purchasing our cabinets.


Should we go with both: Antique white cabinets, with a darker island? (Or Should we go with darker cabinets, with an antique white island?) This photo was taken off of Thomasville's site.
A few more shots of the Coffee Glaze and Antique White...

Monday, October 26, 2009

One week: Arthur Christian Viado Photography

Ok, sorry everyone... I know we've been slacking on our posts... :) Also, more updates to come soon! The photos I'm posting today, are from last week.... so now that it has been ONE WEEK since the guys started on our house, there has been a lot more work done!

To give you a sneak peak into our "Floors," we've decided to go the "Stained Cement" route... not only will it give a great "new" "contemporary" look, but it allows us to use the existing concrete, and it is so COST EFFECTIVE!! Here is a video of a How to Stain video I've found on You Tube:

...Pretty neat, ehh? Add in a few area rugs, and voila! An awesome house, with awesome floors, and it saves us enough money to buy the area rug for the awesome house! haha.

This week, in the life of J.T.House, we've been busy with work, work, work... and checking on the house.... but it hasn't been ALL WORK AND NO PLAY... T has found time to play Call of Duty.... and J went riding yesterday! woohoo!

Today, we're meeting up with my mom for lunch, and to go look at cabinets. In the meantime, enjoy our photos our friend Ian took of our house last week. He's done photography as a hobby, and is now ready to go PRO! I think his images are just as amazing as professional photographers I've worked with. After you view the photos below, check out his work: Arthur Christian Viado Photography
He's available to shoot YOUR NEXT SPECIAL event: Family, Weddings, Friends, Corporate, Pets, everything! You'll love his photos!

Ok...... now on to some House shots Ian took:

We have a trench in the middle of our house. New piping!

Tim and an electrician pulled cables all throughout our house!
I love this shot of the pool... Yes, its a junk house... but we're fixing it up! HGTV, here we come! Shows we could be featured on: Over Your Head (lol), Hammer Heads, Bang for your Buck, Renovation Realities, Cater Can, 10 Grand in Your Hand... just to name a few!
I like this shot too.... it shows the versatility of Ian's photography skills!
Lights, Camera, Action! Recessed lights all throughout our House!
This shot is looking in from the back bedroom, into the 3rd bedroom, into the family room, into the living room. haha... Yeah.... right now, you can see the whole house.
Hallway... we'll have an arched hallway. N.I.C.E.
Before shot of the backyard. (After shot may not come until 2010 or 2011)

Hope you enjoyed our photos! Be sure to leave a comment!! (We like those!)


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Major work being done!

Hi all!
Here are some pictures of the work the guys did on our house today... scroll all the way down for a 360 degree video too!
(Yes, it looks like a bomb went off in our "kitchen")
This is looking from the "dining room" into the living room/soon-to-be front of the house & kitchen.

Framing the wall in between the living room and the kitchen. The open space where the guys are standing will become part of our expanded kitchen!

This door was taken off of the house, and is now in our garage (laying sideways). We're thinking of selling it... it's still so new that Home Depot sells this door! Let us know if you know anyone interested! *We might end up keeing it..... its up in the air right now.

Ok, and now, for the video:

Yep.... its a MAJOR remodel! Our contractor says all the dry wall should be up in 15 days...! Keep your eyes and ears out for a "House Warming Party" in the near (crossing my fingers) future!

Just a thought: We'll invite all our friends and family... but leave us a comment if you don't want to be left out of the House Warming party!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tim here:

So, we ordered windows today. It will be about a 10 day wait for those to come in. I'm starting to get excited about all things we need to do. Luis our contractor should do a fine job for us. I'll let you know how he does and give him the thumbs up or down. I went by the house twice today to find that he had spray painted the floor where the sewer line was. He spent eight ours doing that today. Not really, he said he went to buy all the lumber and material to start the job. I'm looking forward to seeing some progress. It's been way to long since anything's changed in the house. Hopefully I'll show up tomorrow to find some broken concrete. When we are done with the house I'm thinking about breaking a Champagne bottle on the house and naming it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Comments & an Update

So... we have good news to share! I asked Tim if he had updated our blog since I've been out of the house all day... he said, "no, I haven't because nobody reads our blog anyway." I told him "Heidi reads our blog." lol.

Then he said,"You only know people are reading your blog if they comment."

So the moral of the story today kids is: COMMENT ON OUR BLOG PLEASE! :)

Anyways... the update is this: We have a NEW contractor, who will begin work on our house on Monday! woohoo! yipee! Hoorah! I'm excited! But then... in pops the thought that I have to go to a wedding tomorrow at work... and my excitement turns into anxiety.... and then I remember that our house will be worked on Monday.... and the thoughts of a beautiful Christmas tree in our living room pops into my mind, and then, I can almost smell the tree..... = )


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time... & random cars?

.... waiting.... waiting.... waiting....

Time is just ticking away! So Tim told me I shouldn't hold onto the hope that we'll be in our home by Christmas.... that's a bummer. I really wanted our home done, and Christmas tree up, with a warm fireplace going in OUR "NEW" HOME this year...

...but, I'll wait patiently.

The other day, Tim and I stopped by the house to pick up mail... and there was a white Solara (I think it was) with a Virginia license plate parked in our driveway. A couple months ago, one of our neighbors had ratted out the girls living across the street, saying they have been parking their cars in our driveway late at night, and then moving it early in the morning.... we hadn't seen any cars there, even when we were there at 10, 11 p.m... but on Monday, around 5 p.m., sure enough... there was a car parked there! It's good in a way, because it shows "intruders" that people are around.. but COME ON! Wouldn't it be more polite to ASK before you park your car on someone else's property?!?!? Technically, it is tresspassing on private property.

A little part of me wants to get the car towed if I see it again. O=)


*I'll post a picture of the car if we see it again. hahahaha...

Thursday, October 8, 2009


...and by "myself," Tim really means "ourselves." :) It's our house remodel. But the great thing is, Tim has a lot more day-time flexibility in his work schedule, so he's able to meet with most of the contractors.

For more good news... I have this coming Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday off of work, because I have THREE weddings this weekend. (woohoo! for 3 days off!)


Here is a sneak peek of half of what came off of our cielings and walls... conveniently placed in our garage until a bin was rented... Our first contractor did this:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tim here:

Change of plans, literally. We might be changing the game plan yet again. I am meeting with a plumber tomorrow (hold the crack please) and seeing if it is feasible to manage the remodel myself. Along with the plumber I need to meet with the framer, drywaller, concreter, stuccoer and the candle stick maker. Well, not the last guy but you get the point. So starts another adventure in Tim and Jenn's never ending quest to make a unlivalble house livable. As for the pool, well lets just assume I need to buy some coy fish. Cross your fingers that the quotes we get back equal less than the contractors quote to do the whole job.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

House Dilemmas

My first post.

To sum up our house remodel to this point:
  • Purchased house Dec. 2008
  • Moved out of our apartment Jan. 2009 (thinking we would be in the house by April 2009), moved in with in-laws
  • City permits and plans delayed/taking a very long time!!
  • Hired an awesome contractor
  • Gutted house. Dug up piping half way.
  • Contractor disappeared... good thing: We did not pay him in advance.
  • Searched for new contractor.
  • Found one. immature.
  • Currently: Looking for a new contractor/maybe hiring out our own sub-contractors/Anyone interested in helping us?? Can anyone recommend any companies/people who do a good job? ...on a budget.
Estimated completion of the house: Before Christmas 2009!!!!
