Friday, October 30, 2009

Antique White OR Darker Glaze?

Help us decide! What are your thoughts on these two cabinet colors? Which should we go with?

(Obviously without the green walls!)
The next two photos were taken in the showroom of where we are purchasing our cabinets.


Should we go with both: Antique white cabinets, with a darker island? (Or Should we go with darker cabinets, with an antique white island?) This photo was taken off of Thomasville's site.
A few more shots of the Coffee Glaze and Antique White...

1 comment:

  1. Darker Glaze! When you have babies and stuff, it'll be easier to keep clean and maintain! And wouldn't it match the same look you're going for with your front door? It's really up to you guys though...and to make the decision even harder, I've seen the antique white in a home and it looked beautiful! Sorry that wasn't more helpful :P
