Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Major work being done!

Hi all!
Here are some pictures of the work the guys did on our house today... scroll all the way down for a 360 degree video too!
(Yes, it looks like a bomb went off in our "kitchen")
This is looking from the "dining room" into the living room/soon-to-be front of the house & kitchen.

Framing the wall in between the living room and the kitchen. The open space where the guys are standing will become part of our expanded kitchen!

This door was taken off of the house, and is now in our garage (laying sideways). We're thinking of selling it... it's still so new that Home Depot sells this door! Let us know if you know anyone interested! *We might end up keeing it..... its up in the air right now.

Ok, and now, for the video:

Yep.... its a MAJOR remodel! Our contractor says all the dry wall should be up in 15 days...! Keep your eyes and ears out for a "House Warming Party" in the near (crossing my fingers) future!

Just a thought: We'll invite all our friends and family... but leave us a comment if you don't want to be left out of the House Warming party!!

1 comment:

  1. What's up Jen!!! Thanks for visiting and posting on my blog. I didn't know you were a blogger. What an awesome job y'all are doing on the house remodel! Can't wait to see the finished product!
