Sunday, October 18, 2009

Comments & an Update

So... we have good news to share! I asked Tim if he had updated our blog since I've been out of the house all day... he said, "no, I haven't because nobody reads our blog anyway." I told him "Heidi reads our blog." lol.

Then he said,"You only know people are reading your blog if they comment."

So the moral of the story today kids is: COMMENT ON OUR BLOG PLEASE! :)

Anyways... the update is this: We have a NEW contractor, who will begin work on our house on Monday! woohoo! yipee! Hoorah! I'm excited! But then... in pops the thought that I have to go to a wedding tomorrow at work... and my excitement turns into anxiety.... and then I remember that our house will be worked on Monday.... and the thoughts of a beautiful Christmas tree in our living room pops into my mind, and then, I can almost smell the tree..... = )



  1. Oh yay, you guys have a blog now!!!! I just noticed your comment on mine, which leads me to say I definitely agree with Tim "You only know people are reading your blog if they comment" Haha....I have been SUCH a bad blogger lately. Hopefully soon the blog motivation will kick in again. Anyway, I am so glad you guys stop by mine and I will definitely be back to yours :)

  2. Hi Amy! Thanks for stopping by! = ) I stop by yours and Aaron's every week!! I like seeing all the new pictures. Aaron was just here at the Red Horse Barn last month too!

  3. I never knew you had a now you can tell Tim that I am a reader!

  4. Contractor! Congrats! Hope it goes well today!
