Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time... & random cars?

.... waiting.... waiting.... waiting....

Time is just ticking away! So Tim told me I shouldn't hold onto the hope that we'll be in our home by Christmas.... that's a bummer. I really wanted our home done, and Christmas tree up, with a warm fireplace going in OUR "NEW" HOME this year...

...but, I'll wait patiently.

The other day, Tim and I stopped by the house to pick up mail... and there was a white Solara (I think it was) with a Virginia license plate parked in our driveway. A couple months ago, one of our neighbors had ratted out the girls living across the street, saying they have been parking their cars in our driveway late at night, and then moving it early in the morning.... we hadn't seen any cars there, even when we were there at 10, 11 p.m... but on Monday, around 5 p.m., sure enough... there was a car parked there! It's good in a way, because it shows "intruders" that people are around.. but COME ON! Wouldn't it be more polite to ASK before you park your car on someone else's property?!?!? Technically, it is tresspassing on private property.

A little part of me wants to get the car towed if I see it again. O=)


*I'll post a picture of the car if we see it again. hahahaha...


  1. don't tow the car!! the girls across the street will get mad. just leave a friendly note or something :)

  2. Don't worry... we're not towing the car... but if its still parked once we move in, it just might ;) And if we ever park anything on their property, I'm sure they would love that... maybe the porta potty can be parked there?? We still think it would have been more appropriate to ask before tresspassing on our property though, wouldn't you agree?
